The Clark’s at Home

The start of a New Year was a cold time with us just trying to keep warm. Every weekend we were occupied with dinner parties with friends and Family. I can thoroughly recommend it as a way to beat the New Year blues and keep the party going until March.

February was also the anniversary of Dad’s death a time to reflect, remember and rejoice. Also a time to sit with a bottle of Jameson’s, a bucket of ice and have a good chat with me old pal.

February we saw more dinner parties with the only time Hatty and I had to our selves was on Valentines night, which was a cherished time together for us.

The British Medical profession also sorted out the problem of me getting pins and needles in my hand at night. As I have resorted back to working a more physical job the cartilage in my wrist had become inflamed and was trapping a nerve, this will pass I have been told.