The Clark’s at Home

Mini had her Birthday a very quiet affair on the first as I guess she is at an age when the least said the better. Very annoying for me though as it reminds me that mine is looming next month. 

April saw the start of homework for Hatty and I, as the garden was in need of some tender loving care and Hatty wanted to decorate Angus’s room, as it has been the nursery for too long. This meant that no wild dinner parties and just slogging it out for the first two weekends preparing and painting. Mum took Anna and Angus for a night to help Hatty finish the painting. Therefore, a romantic evening with very tired arms from using the rollers and Eau de Emulsion, but we did get to go out for dinner. Angus is now the owner of a deep emerald green room with Winnie the Pooh accessories. Just a little embarrassing as he can’t say Winnie yet so you are never quiet sure if he needs a clean bottom or still pleased with his room? The main advantage is that he now insists on his afternoon naps in the bed of his room and not his cot, just have to crack the nights next.

With all the painting completed, I thought I was left an easy time in the garden. Until a friend of Anna’s decided to get under the gate at the top of our garden and head for the road which is very busy at the best of times and only a few yards away. This lead to instructions from the boss that I had to fence off the vegetable patch behind the laurel hedge so that children can’t wander out of mothers view while enjoying coffee or tea with other mothers. No peace for the wicked.

The pictures below are of the little helpers, seeing if the new gatepost holes are deep enough or trying to find a shortcut and escape route to Australia for Dad. I am sure that May will be less strenuous.