The Clark’s at Home

June was a time for new beginnings and a new out look on life with a more positive feel.

This was kicked off with a visit for Mum from her sister Char over from Canada. It was the first time that they have been together alone for along time and had the run of the Pheasantry as Mini and Andy were on holiday in the South West area of the UK with friends, Devon I think?

Mum spent her birthday with all her girlfriends and sister, it sounded like a bit of a hen night and helped to be with friends at this time and not family which I think would of just reminder her that Dad was missing.

It was also the time that I took Hatty for a well deserved break from being in sole command of the little rascals and we went to Spain with some friends, Heather and James, with two little rascals of their own, Thomas and Sophie, who are the same age as Anna and Angus.

We got back half way through the month just after Char had returned to Canada and two days after Mini and Andy, so Mum was not left on her own for too long.

On Monday 11th of June I started the new job for an IT company called Siteconfidence in Dorking, Dads old stomping ground and where he was brought up. I do not have the space or want to bore you with the service that I am now in charge of the selling, but if you are interested you can see all the products at I have the very inflated title of Sales Director, which look good on the business card, and CV.

Anna and Angus are fine and are enjoying the good weather with a lot of time out side playing in the garden