The Clark’s at Home

July was a time of new birth, the realisation of how fragile life is, and the cruel blows that life can deliver at a time when relaxation and enjoyment is supposed to be the agenda of retirement.

 July started with the news (July 6th) of the birth of Oscar Peter Kenyon, to Rachel and Andy Hatty’s sister. Their second child, to accompany Francesca was great news, excitement and a playmate for Angus. He weighed in at a stonking 9lb 2oz, so will give Angus a run for his money in a few months time. All are well, well adapting to the routine and chaos that infants bring to a household.

News from Canada took the edge off this great event when we heard   that Uncle Mike (Reardon), had not slipped a disc, as thought in his back but had cancer and this was the second source with the primary in his lungs and both un-operable. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family especially Char, Alan and Bruce.

Mike was always the life and sole of the party with a big heart and generosity that knew no bounds. He was welcoming of all men and nothing was too much trouble. This is a double blow as he had just retired and was starting to enjoy life after a committed time in the construction business. Of all the people I know he did not deserve this. Keep fighting Mike, we love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.


A positive note and the joy of new life was restored on July 23rd with the birth of Alexandra Faith at 7lb 12oz to Marilyn and Andy and a little sister for Bill and Ellie. Even though Mini had a caesarean she has recovered well and both are fighting fit. 

High Beeches has seen its own share of activity as Anna finished Next Steps for the summer with Angus’s activities also suspended for the vacation period. This has resulted in Hatty organising a Social Diary that even the Queen would be proud of and Hatty has passed her Chauffeuring exams.

It’s all good healthy stuff, playing with friends, swimming, mega bounce (don’t ask me it just sounds a lot of fun), picnics, days out at adventure parks and afternoon tea at a variety of locations. On returning from the office, it is usually bath and bed for all.

The garden at the moment has taken some time to get back into check after our holiday but just about on top of it, but could do with some better weather for August. We bought the gruesome twosome a swing in July but do not have a picture yet so that will be in August’s happenings.