The Clark’s at Home

The transformation of ones circumstances in a month can eclipse all understanding. 

August started with a party at Site Confidence for all the employees and their partners. It was a great party and a time for the team to let their hair down and enjoy themselves. It was also good for Hatty to meet the team to put a name to a face when we have work chats.

The social life of Anna and Angus was in full swing with more engagements than the complete Royal family. We also spent more time this month with Hatty’s side of the family and enjoyed several days in the sunshine eating and drinking too much but enjoying the lazy days of summer never the less.

Anna on a trip to Brighton with her friend Holly. They visited the pier with all its attractions.

Paula and Mike had a family barbeque on 18th August with all the immediate family attending. It was refreshing to see Oscar after a month and to see that Rachel and Andrew were coping as badly as we all did in the first month with two little ones.

The opportunity arose to take all the children, except Oscar for a ride in the fields on the ATV and as you can see, the only petrified one was me! I got the opportunity to play on my own in the field but promptly got told off by Anna for being too dangerous, I feel the message came from Hatty, but was suitably told off for still being able to get the bike on two wheels.

Then after enough exertion it was time to enjoy all the lovely food that Paula had prepaired and to have a cool beer.

The children carried on with games in the garden and paddling pool, while Mike, Andrew and I discussed the collapse of the English cricket team against Australia and the loosing of yet another Ashes series.

The last weekend in August was a bank holiday and we took a long break in Hereford to see Hatty’s Aunt and Uncle (Virginia and Anthony). Having been hit by the recent outbreak of foot and mouth the farm was eerie and quiet, but it did give Angus a chance to sit on his first real tractor, which was hard to get him off. Christmas come early for the little chap.

Anna was in her element as Lizzie and Dom second cousins of Anna’s related to Hatty’s other Uncle and Aunt (Michael and Sharon) in Hereford came over and lavished her with attention. She even had her toenails painted by Uncle Anthony, which was a great treat. Lady muck or what.

At the end of the month I had a small shock as the boss at work called me in to have a chat. Even though I have had to start from a zero client base and selling a product to some high-powered people in the Internet world they want quicker results. The two and a half months that I have been at Site Confidence have not produced the results that they wanted. We will have to see what the end of the month brings to see if I can deliver their expectations or if I still have a job.

 On a positive note, Angus has started the help in the garden!?!?!? Above he is in all his glory ready for work.

We also finalised probate on Fathers estate. Personally, this has been a time of stress and anguish that I am glad is over. I now have time to reflect on the good times I had with Dad and think of Mum’s care and future.